Pastor Austen Ukachi
“This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which enters the presence behind the veil.” (Hebrews 6:19 NKJV)
“…grab the promised hope with both hands and never let go. It’s an unbreakable spiritual line, reaching past all appearances right to the very presence of God.” (Hebrews 6:19 MSG)
ONE sure way to start this new year is to be optimistic, especially if in any way 2013 was very rough and unfavourable for you. I call this sense of optimism having “hope in your future.”
HOPE is simply positive expectation. It is the confidence that as a child of God the future will be better. It is having that desire to see a better future or dream come through. I believe that God has great things in stock for everyone of us in 2014. But we can only access the things he has for us by hope.
In Jeremiah 31:15-17, we see Rachel lamenting for her missed children and uncertain opportunities. Exactly when this occurred to Rachel is not too certain. However, of interest to us are the comforting words God said to her in verses 16 and 17. Three statements in this passage should interest us this new year.
Firstly, God encouraged Rachel during her lamentation to refrain from weeping, “refrain your voice from weeping and your eyes from tears.” We should stop crying about the past, 2013 is gone. Let us look ahead with hope into the future, that is, be full of optimism in this New Year.
Secondly, God assured her, “For your work shall be rewarded…and they shall come back from the land of the enemy.” In this new year God will restore to you all that Satan took from you! Your labours of past years will be rewarded.
Thirdly, God assured Rachel, “There is hope in your future.” Nothing could be better said than this statement. There is hope for you in 2014! Believe that God has better plans for you this new year. Connect to his plans for you by faith.
From Hebrews 6: 19, let me give you reasons why you must start the new year on a platform of hope and what hope can do for you:
Hope is your anchor of better things to come in this new year.
Hope is your spiritual lifeline in 2014.
Hope fortifies you with the right mindset to face the uncertainties of 2014
Hope is your bridgehead into the better opportunities of 2014.
Hope will keep you focused in 2014.
Hope equips you for the inevitable challenges of 2014.
Hope gives you access and confidence into the presence of God in 2014.
May you be full of hope this new year!