INTRODUCTION: Blessings provoke supernatural increase. To bless is to proclaim “something of value to another.” It is from the Hebrew word, “Berachah” and the Greek word, “Makario”. It is “to be granted special favor by God with resulting joy and prosperity” (3 John 2). It is to “declare (proclaim) someone endowed with power for success” (Psalm 1:1-3). Divine blessing is so critical and makes all the difference in life. Of all that God created, it was only sea creatures and birds of the air in Genesis 1:22 and Man in Genesis 1:28 that He proclaimed blessings on immediately after they were created. Blessings are trans-generational.
God left a legacy of blessing for us to follow to be able to achieve the heaven kind of success (supernatural) in life endeavors. He commanded this, and when it is put to practice it produces outstanding results. Let’s look at a few examples:
- Abraham: In Isaiah 51:2, God declares He called Abraham alone but through the power of blessing increased him. Please refer to Genesis 12:1-3; 17:4-8; and 22:16-18 to see some of the blessings referred to.
- Isaac’s blessings on Jacob and Esau (Genesis 27). Please note how the power of the blessing and the specific words used played out in their lives.
- In Genesis 49, Jacob prophetically declares to his children what will be. History was going to prove him very accurate. The power of the blessing “ruled” their lives.
- In Genesis 48:9-20, Jacob was blind but guided by the Spirit realm he elevated the younger Ephraim through the power of the blessing over Manasseh. Through the power of spoken words (blessing), the sons of Jacob became equal in reckoning with their uncles.
- Then in Numbers 6:22-27, God commanded the priests to regularly proclaim a congregational blessing upon His people.
John Hagee in his recent book, THE POWER OF THE PROPHETIC BLESSING, a book which I recommend to all to read, says that, “The transforming supernatural blessing spoken by spiritual authority has the power to sculpt your life for today, tomorrow and forever! The Jewish people have obeyed the principles and received the benefits of the blessing; however, its potential has been sadly overlooked by most Christians for over two thousand years”. He further states in page 11 of the same book thus: “The Jewish people have excelled through history in the fields of medicine, technology, literature, Science, the Arts and much more. There is no rational explanation other than this success is a direct result of the supernatural power of the prophetic blessing! There are an estimated 14.3million Jewish people within a worldwide population of 6.23billion, making them .0021 percent of the total populace. Yet since 1947, …the Jewish people have been awarded the largest percentage (27percent) of Nobel Peace Prizes.”
It is pertinent to note that every Friday evening at the commencement of the Shabbat, the Jewish fathers proclaim a blessing over their children and the Shabbat ends on Saturday night with the proclamation of the blessing.
WHO HAS THE AUTHORITY TO BLESS? God blesses us and has vested the authority to proclaim the blessings on: Fathers (Genesis 27;49). Occasionally, women bless (Judges 5:24; 17:2; Ruth 4:14-15). Rulers have the authority to pronounce blessings (2 Samuel 6:18; 1 Kings 18:14,55). Priests (Ministers) also have the authority to bless (Genesis 14:19; Numbers 6:22-27; Deuteronomy 10:8).
CONCLUSION: Numbers 23:20 says, “we have a commandment to bless”. Can we begin to be obedient to this heavenly command? We need to do this regularly. Parents as a matter of necessity should proclaim blessings over their family during family devotions. Teachers should proclaim blessings over their students regularly at classes. Employers should proclaim blessings over their Staff. Pastors should regularly proclaim blessings over their members. The Scripture is replete with covenant promises we can proclaim as blessings. Blessings are very invaluable in attracting the power of supernatural increase.