In Proverbs 25:2 we read, “it is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter.” Destiny is defined as “the future or the predetermined path for our lives.” There is a mystery behind destiny that we can hardly comprehend. Destiny is like the kingdom of God, it is hidden until we discover it (Mathew 13:45, 46). Most times, we have to explore and search diligently before we can discover the things that pertain to our destiny. Discovering your destiny is like exploring for precious minerals; you have to go deeper to discover minerals like gold, sapphire, crude oil, etc.
Apart from our destiny, GOD also conceals greatness from our eyes. Each one of us has a potential, which we hardly know or see; God often hides the fullness of our potential from us. Only God knows the end from the beginning. None of us knows the end from the beginning. The greatness of David was concealed. God had to bring Samuel to anoint him so as to unravel his greatness. David’s greatness would not be made manifest if there were no Goliath. May God bring us in touch with our destiny shapers and helpers!
The Bible is a narrative of many whose future and potentials were hidden from them. Somehow, through hard work, suffering, prayer, perseverance they were able to unravel their destiny. The future and potential of Ruth and Naomi were concealed from each other. They needed to complement each other in order to discover the fullness of their destiny. Orpah, whose destiny belonged elsewhere left leaving Ruth and Naomi behind to sort out their lives together. May the strangers to your destiny depart from you!
Joseph and Mary could not fathom the destiny of the child God had given to them to nurture. At birth, Simon had predicted that Jesus was a destiny child whose birth signaled the rise and fall of many in Israel. As Jesus grew up, many things happened around him, which his parents never understood. We simply read that, “but his mother kept all these things in her heart.” (Luke. 2:33-52).
Joseph’s destiny was concealed from his parents and he did not even comprehend the tapestry of his life. For example, he wondered why he was in prison. He pleaded thus with the butler: “But remember me when it is well with you…For indeed I was stolen away from the land of the Hebrews; and also I have done nothing here that they should put me into the dungeon” (Genesis 40:14,15). Joseph’s destiny unraveled with time. No one could help him but God.
The potentials of Leah as a woman was hidden from Jacob who was so fixated about Rachel. When you look at a potential wife you hardly would know the jewel in her, only time will tell. Similarly, when you look at a potential husband, you rarely would know the treasure in him, only time will reveal it.
Some of you may not know why you are in He’s Alive Chapel. This church may be a One-stop church for some of you. Everything you need may be here, your job, your wife, your future growth, your future house, etc are all here, but you may not know. It is as we explore we get to discover what God has for us. Our destiny, times and seasons are in God’s hand. The Psalmist says my times are in your hand, (Psalm 31:15).
The 30 days fast has come and gone, but our needs linger. What you fasted and prayed for has not materialized, but it may just be around the corner. The way we can discover what we are seeking for is to move by faith towards what we prayed for. As Abraham journeyed to sacrifice Isaac, that was when the lamb appeared. God had provided the lamb but he did not know.
We discover what we do not know by prayer and fasting. Jeremiah 33:3 says, “Call to me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.”
We come into a deeper understanding of our destiny by the Holy Spirit. By the revelation of the Holy Spirit, we discover the deep things of God that pertain to our destiny, (1 Corinthians 2:11).
By faith and trust in God’s leading, we come to know the plans of God for our lives. By faith, Abraham took a journey to Mount Moriah to sacrifice his son, Isaac. It was there God revealed the lamb to him. A journey of faith with God unravels many things about our destiny. Marriage is one of such things that unravel our destiny. God needs to bring you in touch with the right partner who will shape your destiny.
We unravel the destiny of God for our lives through counselling. Counseling reveals our gifts and talents, which eventually lead us to realize our destiny.
Those who want to understand the destiny of God for their lives must be ready to undergo one form of suffering or another. Joseph, David, Ruth and many others went through suffering before they reached the high point of their destiny.
Destiny is not visible to the naked eyes, it is concealed; it is discovered by the journey of faith, by prayer, through suffering, by revelation, by our personal choices and decisions and by counselling. Pray that God will bring you in touch with your destiny helpers and shapers.