In Psalm 110:3 we read these words, “Your people shall be volunteers in the day of your power…” The word volunteers is rendered willing in the King James Version of the Bible. The implication is that God’s volunteers must have a willing heart.
To be willing simply means to be determined, and to volunteer oneself for the purpose of God as in Judges 5:1,2. Willingness starts when we first give ourselves to God as with the Church in Macedonia (2 Corinthians 8:3-5). Unless the people of God are willing to offer themselves in the day of his power, God’s action will be limited.
Satan attacks the enthusiasm of Christians and makes them to be disinterested in serving God. He causes disaffection, which in turn makes people to lose interest in the day of God’s power.
A. When is the Day of God’s power? Today is the day of his power!
- The day of God’s power is the time when God goes out before his people as in Judges 4:14.
- It is when the people of God respond to the prompting of the Spirit of God to go to battle as in Judges 5:1.
- It is a time when the people of God choose to move in faith as in Numbers 14:1-10.
- The day of his power is when the people of God arise in faith to move against the enemies of God as David did against Goliath as in 1 Samuel 17:45-51.
- The day of his power is when the people respond to a special programme like OPERATION REAP.
B. What happens in the day of his power? Examples of volunteers and the willingness they exhibit in the day of his power are numerous in the Scriptures:
First, volunteers offer themselves to fight for the cause of God (Judges 5:1-31).
Second, people willingly give themselves to fasting in the day of his power (Esther 4:1-5; Acts 27:13-38; 1 Chronicles 20:1,2).
Third, people volunteer to give generously to God’s purpose (Exodus 35:4-9, 20-29; 1 Chronicles 29:3-9; Ezra 1:1-6) . Those who give generously to God receive a bumper harvest of blessings.
Fourth, volunteers give themselves willingly to the service of God (Luke 9:57-62; John 6:66-71).
Five, in the day of his power leaders give themselves willingly to continually to prayer and the word. In Acts.6:4 we read, “But we willing give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the word.”
C. God is in dire need of volunteers; those with a willing heart to serve him.
D. If our earthly masters reward us for our willing service, then it is certain that our Heavenly Father will reward all those who willingly serve him in one way or another.