Many times, church activities, programs or any ecstatic experiences have been wrongly regarded as a Pentecostal revival. For a true understanding of Pentecostal revival, we must go to Acts chapter 2, which is the template for every revival.
What is a Pentecostal revival?
It is an experience of the outpoured Spirit. A Pentecostal revival is an experience of the “outpoured Spirit” of God. One of the main marks that differentiate any genuine revival from any other Christian activity, no matter how intense and compelling it may be, is the fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit
It is an experience of repentance:
A Pentecostal revival is a revival of repentance. On Pentecost Day, when Peter spoke, the people were convicted of repentance.
It is a revival of passion:
A Pentecostal revival renews our passion for God and the willingness to offer ourselves to His service. The holy fire of God consumes us with an overwhelming fire of love for God and the willingness to obey Him at all costs. Men of passion hardly go unnoticed in society. If people do not see Jesus in us, then something is wrong with our passion.
It is a revival of His power:
On the day of Pentecost, the fire of God fell from heaven upon the disciples. They went out in power and turned the world around.
It is a revival of the consciousness of God’s presence:
The early believers lived in the consciousness of His presence. They walked and lived in fear of the LORD, which restrained them from sin.
A Pentecostal revival brings about: A revival of prayer:
Prayer has always been the forerunner of any heaven-sent revival. At the Upper Room, the disciples spent ten eventful days in prayer, which precipitated the thunderous sound from heaven. That singular incident established one fact: revival is birthed and sustained in consistent prayer.
A Pentecostal revival stimulates active evangelism and mission:
Once the heavenly fire fell, the disciples, who were hitherto afraid to proclaim Christ, were empowered to declare the Lord to all and sundry. Revival releases the zeal to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost. Most times, the mission is advanced during revival.
A Pentecostal revival leads to a revival of the gifts of the Holy Spirit:
During the revival, men are bestowed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Before Pentecost, Peter had hardly won a soul for Christ, but on that day, he proclaimed the Word, and in one swoop, three thousand souls were saved.
A Pentecostal revival revives true worship.
When the fire of Pentecost fell on the disciples, they were heard praising God. During a revival in Samaria, Christ taught that true worship is a relational spiritual involvement with God. Revival is usually a period of renaissance of true worship.
A Pentecostal revival exalts and magnifies Christ:
Pentecost gave the disciples the boldness to proclaim the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ as they never did before. Their message became centred on Christ, His crucifixion, death, resurrection, ascension, healing power, His Lordship, the authority in His name, and the hope of His return.
Lastly, a Pentecostal revival brings the grace for holy living.
It is against the background of what transpired at Jerusalem, on Pentecost Day, that we can better evaluate and understand the Pentecostal and Charismatic revivals that occurred in Nigeria from the second decade of the 20th century. Every revival has its distinctive feature, no two revivals are the same, but every revival must share some basic characteristics of Pentecost.
Contact: pastoracukachi@gmail.com
Chairman, CESM